Anyways, this little post is a way to organize my thoughts. Here I am posting a bunch of labels that I am thinking I might use. So, if you're interested in what all these labels might mean, here are the explanations.
- current event - let's face it, my life isn't all that interesting. I'm no Rex Morgan where everyday something new and exciting and probably deadly is happening, and trying to soap opera my life would be miserably painfully long in written form. Plus, the last three days of my life can be summarized as mostly eating, sleeping, and perusing internetz/gaming. HOWEVER, on the fun chance that awesome-ness occurs, this blog might see a post and this label shall be applied.
- op-ed - this will probably be the majority of the posts. Random opinions, observations, analysis, that kind of stuff. Think of it as potentially enlightening musings about the world around us.
- school/work - these should be obvious.
- internetz - should I include something from the internet that I find interesting, be it video, comic strip or etc., this label will be applied
- wall-o-text - this is applied to a post of extremely long length. So, it is either deeply detailed and insightful, or rambling. Considering the law that every person thinks of themselves more highly than they should, it's probably rambling.
- not super serious - I prefer to be a bit snarky and satirical. If something is written for the benefit of entertainment or in a particularly funky style, this label will be applied. If you try to quote me on something from a post labeled with this and try to argue that I'm wrong, I will shrug and ignore you.
- games - it could be game theory, or about an awesome game I've played recently, or a review, or complaining about game development and where the industry is going.... you get the idea. Other labels might appear pertaining to stuff like music or movies or (heaven forbid) POLITICKs as well.
I'm sure there will be more labels that will pop up in the future, but for now enjoy this little quick sampler.