Anyways, time to take a break on "insightful" posts because I'm kinda stumped. Here's a few ideas I've been tossing around
- Are we looking at the wrong numbers?
- HoNvLoL again (but just the major points)
- Gamer v1.5
Anyways, last weekend was the Catalyst Spring Retreat. For those who are in Catalyst who missed out, um, you missed out! I mean, getting to see Landon, Eddie, Jon, and Tim wail on branches and logs? Operating pneumatic log splitters? Awesome food? Leaving Matt in the forested hills to fend for himself? BONFIRE? \o/
Thesis has been going well, I guess. I've hit the minimum required 60 pages, except that count includes stuff like the Table of Contents, Title Page, Glossary, etc. I still have a few sections to write, could probably beef up several parts, and need to spend a day making figures. I could also drown out another 10 pages by inserting sample code. But, suffice to say it's nice to finally hit a major milestone, even if it did take me 2 weeks to grind this out on top of refreshing my memory on using LaTeX (heck yeah tables). Now if only I could get some revisions back from the professors.
Grading is a pain. Enough said.
Car has been used, and will be used. But I'm mostly biking around Davis because parking is atrocious at UCD and I like the exercise. I noticed that after a decent hike at the retreat I was sure I'd be sore all along my calves and thighs, being mostly out of shape and all, but woke up the next day not sore at all. That's biking legs for ya. Now if only I could automatically work my back and arms every day. Silly desk job. But back to the car, it's really been useful for carting people around Davis already. Still have to get an oil change and a solid look-over by a mechanic, but overall it's running well and serves me well. And really I can't complain for the price D gave me on it.
Next up are a series of get togethers with some dudes, Picnic Day, and running A/V as the main point man Sunday Evening. Gonna be fun, especially since it's the college kids doing worship too. So, College kids running sound, slides, worship, and maybe even announcements. Would have been hilarious if the college pastor was also giving the sermon. Then it'd be just like Monday nights, except in a bigger room with older people participating. =p
Anyhows, that's a light dump on my goings on. Laterz.