Thursday, November 24, 2011


In the spirit of the season, quick list of things I'm thankful for.

Family: We're not a picture perfect family, but it's always nice to be at home and hang with the family. And the fact we're all still around, even if some of use are spread out, is a really special thing as well. It's the fact that these people have known me all my life and still can put up with me that gives me hope.
Friends: Over the years I've accumulated a few of these. And this is beyond just "acquaintances" or people I "know," for which I feel extremely fortunate. Granted, I'm pretty thankful for those people as well, and potentially some of these will reach the inner circle eventually. It's just I'm super duper thankful people who aren't related by blood can stand me.
A Job: Thank goodness I've got one. No, it's not a dream job, but hey, can't argue at all with positive income.
Sanity: You'd be surprised how hard it is to get this stuff man. And to not waste the amount you have on hand.
Health: As much as I complain about my genes and lack of being a buff badass I'm relatively healthy. Which is awesome. It means when people say, "let go rock climbing " I can go "sure" and not freak out if my knees are going to give way. Or that I have to check various meals to make sure I don't swell up and die. Sure the bad eyesight and allergy meds I take every day are a hassle, but I ain't dead yet.

So yeah, life's not quite terrible. Also, food is tasty. And now to get some sleep, for which I'm extremely thankful for. Mostly 'cause I get quite the entertainment while sleeping. Seriously, my dreams are a combo of awesome and quality crazy.