Here's what I did today:
- I didn't sleep well. Weird dreams about trying to find a place to sleep for the year, Bishop and Kwang and a bunch of Mudders were involved. The suite was a weird twisted version of an Atwood suite, except with a built-in kitchen. I blame stress, playing Alien Swarm too late at night, and the fact that the air conditioner got turned off so I was hot.
- Woke up early to help run A/V at church.
- Totally ate it on my bike while crossing an intersection. Bruised my shin, scraped my knee (was wearing pants), and wounded my pride in front of the one car on the streets at 7:30am on a Sunday.
- Ran A/V for the three services. A few times I totally botched it, other times I just fired the slide too soon. Or perhaps that's just my OCD kicking in.
- Helped break down the stage. We're getting new curtains for the stage to help the acoustics and to modernize the look.
- Headed home for lunch.
- Turned in my availability for A/V for the next two months so my manager can schedule us.
- Won a game of League of Legends. Yay Taric.
- Met up with rides to head to a planning event for Catalyst.
- Learned about the nuances of girls' swimwear, including mixing and matching and bringing extra sets depending on what's going on.
- Discussed how to make people feel welcome. Making an effort to connect with people and make new friends was a huge theme. Also, avoid cliques and gushing/catching up with friends from last year.
- Used a drill press to widen holes in hinges.
- Drilled holes to help make those wooden poster thingies. I think Matt called them sandwich boards since they sit outside delis mentioning the special sandwiches. Except those have chalk boards on them, we just painted these.
- Got eaten alive by bugs while painting the boards.
- Got a ride home.
- Setup a new "Limited" list of people I know on Facebook. That way I can stay "Facebook Friends" with them, but they can't see my status updates, pictures, and other stuff. Credit to Sara for the idea.
- Finally resolved the sounds card issue I've had for the last week by turning off the sound card and switching to the integrated chip on my motherboard. I should pull out the card to save energy.
- Showered.
- Wrote this entry.
Still haven't figured out that problem I had for research when I left on Friday.
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