Fact: Young meatbags must be trained up and schooled in order to be useful members serving the superior machine form.
Statement: Current schooling done by meatbags titled teachers.
Statement: In standard form of the position, teachers are given a position called "tenure" where they have no fear of losing their position except in extreme circumstances.
Corollary: Some teachers are thus able to slack off and perform poorly due to job security. Young meatbags suffer.
Corollary: Poor teachers arise, would like to remove.
Contradiction: These teachers cannot be fired for incompetence, only for extreme circumstances.
Corollary: Even in extreme circumstances the paperwork is immense and often not worth it.
Stipulation: Implement an accountability performance review to keep good teachers and remove inadequate ones.
Corollary: Use testing to determine performance of young meatbags to indicate success of teacher position.
Corollary: Testing will be important.
Corollary: Pressure for young meatbags to perform well on tests will increase.
Corollary: The meatbags in teacher positions may attempt to cheat the system.
Corollary: The meatbags will only use systems of teaching that are proven to create results on test.
Contradiction: Teaching programming will stagnate to test-driven schooling and not schooling for learning.
Stipulation: Use job protection to allow teachers to explore new teaching methods to fit students and promote learning.
Corollary: With good learning skills, young meatbags naturally do well on test.
Corollary: Use interim period to ensure teacher is high quality, then offer job protection.
Corollary: Use tenure.
ERROR: Potential infinite loop detected, continue exercise?
> No
> Mix
ERROR: Will still most likely be driven by the performance problems as overriding goal, even with temporary period of safety. Competition will begin to rise and eventually a full review even of period of safety from being processed into fuel -- I mean from being fired.
Query: Continue?
> No
Agreement: We should replace meatbag teachers with superior machines. Thank you master.
Query: Any meatbags need a laser bolt to the chest today?
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